Applying for college scholarships can seem just as intense as a big competition. But don't worry, not every scholarship is a winner-takes-all situation. Many organizations offer scholarships every year, and some even award hundreds of students at a time!
Here are a few notable ones to start with:
- Barry Goldwater Scholarships (multiple $7,500 scholarships)
- Burger King Scholars Program (multiple awards up to $50,000)
- Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation (multiple $20,000 scholarships)
- C-SPAN’s Student Cam Awards (multiple awards up to $5,000)
- Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway (multiple awards up to $100,000)
- GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program (multiple $10,000 scholarships)
- Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (multiple scholarships up to $30,000)
- National Merit Scholarship Corporation (multiple $2,500 scholarships)
- TYLENOL Future Care Scholarship (multiple scholarships up to $10,000)
There’s more where those came from! Don’t miss out on opportunities for free money to help pay for school. Check out more scholarships for college here.