Looking for money for school that you don’t have to pay back? You're in luck! College scholarships offer gift aid that doesn't need to be reimbursed, and free scholarships – those that entail no application fees – are truly the best kind.
List of Free Scholarships
- Niche $2,000 “No Essay” College Scholarship
- Unigo $10,000 Scholarship
- Appily $1,000 Next Generation Scholarship
If you’re not sure where to start, check out ScholarTips for more tips and advice on winning scholarships, as well as curated lists of scholarships you may qualify for.
Scholarships From Our Partners
- Apply to 5 scholarships at sign up
- 100% free for students
- No essay required
- Four $1,000 winners monthly
Search for Scholarships
In addition to the free scholarships listed above, there are several free online tools designed to help students like you find college scholarships you qualify for. Check out these online college scholarship matching sites.