Each state may offer its own grants and scholarships, often based on financial need, academic performance, or specific career goals like teaching or nursing.
Most require the applicant to file the FAFSA by a specific state deadline. Some states have additional application forms and requirements.
- Alabama Student Assistance Programs
- Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program (ANGEAP)
- Police Officer's and Fire Fighter's Survivor's Educational Assistance Program (POFSEAP)
- (Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program
- Minority Doctoral Scholarship Program
- Alabama Student Grant Program (AGSP)
- Alaska Performance Scholarship
- Alaska Native Students in Arts and Media Fund
- Alaska Education Grant (AEG)
- Brandon C. Reiley Scholarship Fund
- Dr. John Halligan Scholarship Fund
- George & Stephanie Suddock Foundation Scholarship Fund
- Red Boucher Scholarship Fund
- Arizona Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (AzLEAP)
- Veteran Spouses Scholarship
- Spouses and Dependents of Law Enforcement Correctional Officers Tuition Scholarship
- Garcia Hope for Homelessness Scholarship & Internship
- Dr. Joan Frazier Paracheck Memorial Endowment Fund
- The Phoenician Scholarship
- Glenn Cheatham Memorial Scholarship
- Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship (ACST)
- Arkansas Future Grant (ARFUTURE)
- Arkansas Health Education Grant (ARHEG)
- Arkansas Workforce Challenge (AWC)
- Arkansas Concurrent Challenge (CCS)
- Governor's Higher Education Transition Scholarship (GHETS)
- Governor's Distinguished Scholarship (GS)
- Law Enforcement Officers' Dependents Scholarship (LEO)
- Military Dependents Scholarship (MDS)
- Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
- Washington Center Scholarship (WCS)
- Cal Grants A, B, C
- Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents Grant (LEPD)
- California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth
- Middle Class Scholarship
- California Military Department GI Bill Award Program
- CAL-HBCU Transfer Grant Program
- Golden State Teacher Grant (GSTG)
- College Opportunity Fund
- Colorado Graduate Grant
- Promise Programs
- Colorado Student Grant
- Colorado Second Chance Scholarship
- Roberta B. Willis Scholarship Program
- CHESLA Undergraduate Scholarship
- CT Minority Teacher Incentive Grant
- CT Association for Latinos in Higher Education (CALAHE) Scholarship
District of Columbia
- District of Columbia Tuition Assistance Grant (DC TAG)
- DC Mayor's Scholars Undergraduate Program
- DC-CAP Scholarship
- GW District Scholars Award
- STEM Ready Scholarship Program
- Scholarship Incentive Program (ScIP)
- B. Bradfords Barnes Memorial Scholarship
- Herman M. Holloway Sr. Memorial Scholarship
- Charles L. Hebner Memorial Scholarship
- Educator Support Scholarship (undergraduate)
- Educator Support Scholarship (graduate)
- Career-Based Scholarship (for eligible majors)
- Benacquisto Scholarship Program
- Bright Futures Scholarship
- Effective Access to Student Education
- First Generation Matching Grant
- Florida Farmworker Student Scholarship
- Florida Student Assistance Grant
- Florida Work Experience Program
- José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant
- Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship
- Minority Teacher Education Scholarship
- Rosewood Family Scholarship
- Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans
- Florida Law Enforcement Academy Scholarship Program
- Open Door Grant Program
- Randolph Bracy Ocoee Scholarship Program
- HOPE Scholarship
- HOPE Grant
- Zell Miller Scholarship
- Zell Miller Grant
- HOPE High School Equivalency (HSE) Examination Grant
- HOPE Career Grant
- University of Hawaii System
- Geoffrey Lloyd Memorial Scholarship
- Honolulu China Town Loions Club Piano Scholarship
- Marie E. Schleichert Annual College of Agriculture Scholarship
- Michio Yoshimura Memorial Art Scholarship
- Idaho Opportunity Scholarship
- Idaho Opportunity Scholarship for Adult Learners
- Tschudy Family Scholarship
- Idaho Governor's Cup Scholarship
- Armed Forces/Public Safety Officer Dependent Scholarship
- State Scholar Program
- Monetary Award Program (MAP)
- Aspirational Institutional Match Helping Illinois Grow Higher Education (AIM HIGH) Grant Program
- Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant Program
- Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program
- Grant Program for Dependents of Police or Fire Officers
- Grant Program for Dependents of Correctional Officers
- Grant Program for Exonerees
- Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) Scholarship Program
- Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship Program
- Post-Master of Social Work School Social Work Professional Educator License Scholarship Program
- Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois
- Nursing Education Scholarships (NES)
- Adult Student Grant
- Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship
- Frank O’Bannon Grant
- 21st Century Scholarship
- Workforce Ready Grant
- Earline S. Rogers Student Teaching Scholarship for Minorities
- Student Teaching Scholarship for High-Need Fields
- Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship
- Transition to Teaching Scholarship
- William A. Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship
- All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship
- Iowa Tuition Grant
- Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship
- Kibbie Grant (Iowa Skilled Workforce Shortage Tuition Grant)
- Iowa National Guard Educational Assistance Grant (NGEAP)
- Iowa Vocational-Technical Tuition Grant
- GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship
- Education and Training Voucher (ETV)
- Robert D. Blue Scholarship
- GAP Tuition Assistance Program
- Future Ready Iowa Grant
- Kansas Career Technical Workforce Grant
- Kansas Comprehensive Grant
- Kansas Military Service Scholarship
- Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance
- Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship
- Kansas State Scholarship
- Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship
- Kansas ROTC Service Scholarship
- Kansas Osteopathic Medical Service Scholarship
- Kansas Optometry Service Scholarship
- Kansas Nurse Educator Service Scholarship
- Kansas Dental Education Opportunities Program
- James B. Pearson Fellowship
- Kansas Distinguished Scholarship Program
- Kentucky College Access Program Grants
- Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES)
- Kentucky Tuition Grant
- Early Childhood Development Scholarship
- Coal County Scholarship Program for Pharmacy Students
- Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship
- Teacher Scholarship
- Dual Credit Scholarship
- Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship
- Work Ready Dual Credit Scholarship
- Go Higher Grant
- Optometry Scholarship
- Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS)
- Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship
- LA GO Grant
- Strategies to Empower People (STEP) Vocational Education Program
- BESE Tuition Program for Teachers
- Louisiana Geaux Teach Scholarship Program
- TOPS Tech Award
- Chafee Educational and Training Voucher (ETV)
- Louisiana National Guard Patriot Scholarship
- State of Maine Grant and Loan Programs
- Doctors For Maine's Future Scholarship
- Maine State Grant Program
- Maine Community Foundation Scholarships
- Guaranteed Access (GA) Grant
- Educational Assistance (EA) Grant
- Campus Based Educational Assistance Grant (CBEAG)
- 2+2 Transfer Scholarship
- Part-Time Grant
- Graduate & Professional Scholarship Program
- Maryland Community College Promise Scholarship
- Delegate Scholarship
- Senatorial Scholarship
- The Maryland Police Officer Scholarship Program
- Richard W. Collins III Leadership with Honor Scholarship
- Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship
- Cybersecurity Public Service Scholarship Program
- Workforce Development Sequence Scholarship
- Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program (WSSAG)
- Foster Child Grant
- MASSGrant & MASSGrant Plus
- Gilbert Matching Student Grant
- Cash Grant
- Part-Time Grant
- Public Service Grant
- Paraprofessional Teacher Preparation Grant
- Agnes M. Lindsay Scholarship Program
- Early Childhood Educators Scholarship Program
- Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship Program
- John and Abigail Adams Scholarship
- One Family Scholarship Program
- Paul Tsongas Scholarship
- Need Based Tuition Waiver Program
- Community College Nursing Scholarship Program
- In-Demand Scholarship
- Michigan Tuition Grant
- Children of Veterans Tuition Grant
- Fostering Futures Scholarship
- Police Officer's and Fire Fighter's Survivor Tuition Grant (STG)
- Tuition Incentive Program
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship
- MI Future Educator Fellowship
- Minnesota Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Minnesota State Grant
- Alliss Opportunity Grant Program for Adults Returning to College
- Minnesota Indian Scholarship
- Public Safety Officer's Survivor Grant
- Minnesota Paramedic Scholarship
- Mississippi Higher Education Legislative Plan (HELP)
- Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG)
- Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant
- Mississippi Law Enforcement Offices & Fireman Scholarship (LAW)
- Nissan Scholarship (NISS)
- FAITH Scholarship
- Bright Flight Program
- Access Missouri Financial Assistance Program
- Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program
- Public Service Officer or Employee's Child Survivor Grant Program
- Wartime Veteran's Survivors Grant Program
- A+ Scholarship Program
- MUS Honor Scholarship
- 2 Plus 2 Honor Scholarship
- National Merit Semi-Finalist Scholarship
- Montanta STEM / Healthcare Scholarship Program
- Gianforte Trade and Technology Scholarships
- Access College Early Scholarship
- Nebraska Opportunity Grant (formerly Nebraska State Grant)
- Community College Gap Assistance Program
- Door to College (DTC) Scholarship Program
- Career-Readiness and Dual-Credit Education Grant Program
- Albert Lee Wrigth Scholarship
- Gutierrez Mora Scholarship
- Lucy Mora Barrientos Scholarship
- Latino Employee Network of Union Pacific Railroad Scholarship
- Black Employee Network of Union Pacific Railroad Scholarship
- Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Scholarship
- TEACH Early Childhood Nebraska
- Davis-Chambers Scholarship
- Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship
- Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Scholarship
- Pack Promise+ (formerly The Nevada Guarantee)
- Jack and Jane Becker Medical School Scholarship
- The Boston Family Scholarship
- Robert and Judy Dreiling Scholarship
- The Foster Children Education Scholarship
- Ron and Linda Smith Family Scholarship
- Mary J. Yamamoto Memorial Scholarship
- Silver State Opportunity Grant
New Hampshire
- New Hampshire Tuition Waiver Program for Foster Children
- New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Scholarship Opportunities
- Governor's Scholarship Program
- UNIQUE Scholarship Programs
New Jersey
- New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant (NJ TAG)
- New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS)
- Governor's Industry Vocations Scholarship
- Governor's Urban Scholarship
- Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Scholarship
- NJ Foster Care Scholars
- World Trade Center
- NJ Dreamers
- Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)
- Community College Opportunity Grant
New Mexico
- Student Incentive Grant Program
- The Opportunity Scholarship
- The Lottery Scholarship
- Athletic Scholarship
- Fire Fighters & Peace Officers Survivors Scholarship
- Graduate Scholarship
- New Mexico Scholars
- Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship Program
New York
- New York State (NYS) Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
- Part-time Scholarship Program
- Excelsior Scholarship Program
- Enhanced Tuition Award (ETA)
- Senator Patricia K. McGee Nursing Faculty Scholarship
- Masters in Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship
- Veterans Tuition Awards
- NYS Math and Science Teaching Incentive Program
- Military Enhanced Recognition Incentive & Tribute (MERIT) Scholarship
- World Trace Center Memorial Scholarship
- NYS Memorial Scholarship
- Aid to Native Americans
- Segal AmeriCorps Education Award
- NYS Scholarships for Academic Excellence
North Carolina
- Education Lottery Scholarship (ELS)
- Community College Grant Program
- UNC Need Based Grant
- North Carolina Need Based Scholarship
- NC Assist Scholarship Contest
- North Carolina Vietnam Veterans, Inc. Scholarship Program (NCVVI)
- North Carolina Hospitality Education Foundation Graduate Student Scholarship
- North Carolina Business and Professional Women's Foundation Scholarship
North Dakota
- North Dakota Academic Scholarship
- North Dakota Career & Technical Education Scholarships
- North Dakota Native American Scholarship
- North Dakota Scholars Program
- North Dakota State Grant
- ND Veterinary Medical Association (NDVMA) Scholarship
- Tom and Ruth Bettenhausen Scholarship
- North Dakota Community Foundation Veterinary Scholarship
- Dushinske & Jamison Water Resources Scholarship
- ND Farmers Union Scholarship
- Choose Ohio First
- Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)
- Ohio War Orphans Scholarship
- Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund
- College Adoption Grant
- Ohio Work Ready Grant (OWRG)
- Second Chance Grant Program
- Forever Buckeyes
- Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG)
- Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant (OTEG)
- Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship
- Chiropractic Education Scholarship Program
- Inspired to Teach
- George and Donna Nigh Public Service Scholarship
- Scholars for Excellence in Child Care
- Oklahoma National Guard Educational Assistance Program
- Independent Living Act (Foster Care Tuition Waiver)
- Academic Scholars Program
- Community College Scholarship
- Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG)
- Chafee Educational and Training Voucher Program
- Deceased or Disabled Public Safety Officer Grant Program
- Oregon Student Child Care Grant
- Oregon Promise
- Oregon Barber and Hairdresser (B&H) Grant Program
- Oregon Tribal Student Grant
- The Darlene Hooley Scholarship
- Pennsylvania State Grant
- Partnerships for Access to Higher Education (PATH) Grants
- Pennsylvania Targeted Industry Program (PA-TIP)
- PA Postsecondary Educational Gratuity Program
- Blind or Deaf Higher Education Beneficiary Grant
- PA Student Teacher Support Program
- PA Fostering Independence Tuition Waiver (FosterEd) Program
Rhode Island
- Carter Roger Williams Scholarship
- Rhode Island PBS Scholarship
- Robert G. and Joyce Andrew College Scholarship Fund
- Alumnae Association of Newport Hospital School of Nursing Scholarship
- Albert E. and Florence W. Newton Scholarship
- John J. O'Connor Jr. Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Kathy Plouff Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Edward J. and Virginia M. Routhier Nursing Scholarship
- Willard and Marjorie Scheibe Nursing Scholarship
- Lillian Sparfven & Ethel Ferrara Fund Scholarship
- Surti Family Scholarship
- Alan Edgar Wurdeman Scholarship Fund
South Carolina
- South Carolina Hope Scholarship
- SC Lottery Tuition Assistance Program
- South Carolina Tuition Grant
- Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program
- U.S. Senate Youth Program Scholarship
- SC Teaching Fellows Program
- Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Program
- LIFE Scholarship
South Dakota
- South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship
- Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship
- Dakota Corps Scholarship
- Freedom Scholarship
- Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship Program for Native American Students
- Annis Irene Fowler/Kaden Scholarship
- Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship
- Tennessee Student Assistance Awards
- Tennessee Hope Scholarship
- General Assembly Merit Scholarship (GAMS)
- Aspire Award
- Dual Enrollment Grant
- Teaching Scholars Program
- Dependent Children Scholarship Program
- Ned McWherter Scholars Program
- STEP UP Scholarship
- Hope Scholarship - Nontraditional
- HOPE Foster Child Tuition Grant
- Promise Scholarship
- Reconnect Grant
- Helping Heroes Grant
- Wilder-Naifeh Technical Skills Grant
- TCAT Reconnect Scholarship
- Education and Training Vouchers for Youths Aging Out of Foster Care
- Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program (TEOG)
- Towards Excellence, Access and Success (TEXAS) Grant
- Fifth Year Accounting Student Scholarship
- Kenneth H. Ashworth Fellowship Program
- Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program (TASSP)
- Texas Public Educational Grant Program (TPEG)
- Tuition Equalization Grant Program
- Texas Transfer Grant Program
- Opportunity Scholarship
- Utah Promise Scholarship
- T.H. Bell Education Scholarship
- Utah Private, Non-Profit School Scholarship
- Prime Program Scholarship
- Technical Education Scholarship
- Veterans Tuition Gap Program
- Adult Learner Grant Program
- Karen Mayne Public Safety Officer Scholarship Program
- Vermont Grant
- Vermont Advancement Grant
- VSAC-Assisted Scholarships
- UVM First Nations' Scholarship
- Vermont's Scholars Award
- Patrick Family Scholarship
- Akol Aguek Scholarship
- Virginia Commonwealth Award
- Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP)
- Tuition Assistance Grant Program (VTAG)
- Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program (CTG)
- Virginia Graduate Commonwealth Award
- Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Opportunity Grant
- Washington State Opportunity Scholarship
- Washington State College Bound Scholarship
- Washington State Need Grant
- American Indian Endowed Scholarship
- Washington Award for Vocational Excellence (WAVE)
- National Guard Grant
- Teacher Shortage Conditional Scholarship
- Student Teaching Grant
West Virginia
- West Virginia Higher Education Grant
- Promise Scholarship
- WV STEM Scholarship
- Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars
- Higher Education Adult Part-Time Student Grant Program
- Nursing Scholarship Program
- West Virginia Invests Grant Program
- Wisconsin Grant (UW System, Wisconsin Technical Colleges, Tribal Colleges)
- Wisconsin Grant (Private Non-Profit)
- Wisconsin Talent Incentive Grant (TIG)
- Indian Student Assistance Grant
- Minority Undergraduate Retention Grant
- Hearing and Visually Handicapped Student Grant
- Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship
- Technical Excellence Scholarships (TES)